Friday, November 19, 2010

Beware of the lull of silence

Sign of an early election is on the wall. The obvious sign is the silence of retaliation and bashing of the Chinese and Indians. Since the outburst on low-patriotism level of the non-Malays by the Defence minister, there have been scores of articles refuting the allegations and even taking him to task. Under normal circumstances, umnos, perkasa  and even the chelup indians would come out in defence of the minister and warning the nons not to be arrogant and reminding that the nons are either kaki botol or mata sepet and mere penumpang. Where are these voices now? Obviously they have been told to zip up as their votes are needed. On the other hand there had been praises heaped on the Chinese for their contribution to the economy of the country (read here). This is an obvious indication that the 13 GE is round the corner. The umnos are relying on the theory that we Malaysians are "senang lupa", i.e. after sometime we will forget the injustice, the corruption and the selective persecution pepetuated by the umnos. Fat hope. The hurt is still there and we know that once you get back into power, you will 'teruskan' all your nonsence.

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