Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Who is being hypocritical now?

My, my, who is being hypocritical now. In Kuala Kangsar, Minister Nazri accused the Opposition of being hypocritical with regards to the sports betting issue. He further added that the decision not to issue the sporting licence was "based on feedback from the people." Gee, since when had the umno government been so accomodating towards the feelings of the people? Did they ever base their feedback of the people when they raise the prices of certain commodities, esp. petrol or toll charges, or building of mega projects, or raping of green lungs? When it suits their plans, its system go, no matter who objects. That is the fact and dont give us this bullshit about listening to the people.
Another case of BN hypocrisy is the RM150,000 arches at the Penang Botanical Gardens which was built by the State Development Office which comes under the Prime Minister's dept. Now that the aches are leaning percariously, Minister Ng Yen Yen announced the ministry's decision to demolish it. Now the hypocricy part of it. Minister Yen said that the decision to demolish the arches was based on an online public opinion poll conducted by the ministry on its website. It found that 71.3% or 873 people of 1225 repondents wanted them demolished. So there you go. Public opinion counts. But lets see how far this will go. Lets see whether they will weigh public opinion when they discuss  the crooked bridge, the new Parliament building, the next round of price increases.

Yes, Please Define what is Sedition.

Yes, Yes, please do define what is sedition. To an ordinary man like me, what was uttered by Nasir  was 100% seditious and yet Minister Nazri said it is not. So it is now up to the minister or the judge to decide whether words uttered are seditious or not. So far all seditious statements uttered by the Oppositions are considered seditious and all statements utterred by the BN, especially umnos, are either not seditious or it is taken out of context or some other stupid excuses. Give me a break. I am not that stupid, stupid! Why not just come out and say that you are in control and you can interprete the law anyway you want. At least there  is honesty there and I can deal with that. But to twist and turn the law and to think that we will accept everything in toto, is a damn insult to our intelligence.
Karpal Singh was charged for sedition for simply suggesting that a ruler could be brought to court. Theresa Kok was charged for having allegedly said that the prayers from the mosque was too loud and had to be ISAed for her own protection. Sheeeesh! what a waste of time and money and human resources.
As for Loh Seng Kok who asked Putrajya to define what is sedition, I thank him for standing up and be counted. And I urge him to follow it up and insist that the question be answered. Otherwise it will just be another show-off that the MCA is doing something to win back the voters.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Hey MACC, are you home?

 The properties shown in the three photos belong to the Sarawak Chief Minister, Taib Mahmud. The car is a bullet-proof Rolls Royce. Apart from this, he has assets all over the world worth billions. As a CM he earns RM20,000 a month. He claims that right after he took over power in the 1980s, he and his entire family members suddenly became excellent business people. Hence the accumulated wealth. But his own people, the Sarawakians remain poor. I have seen movies of drug lords living in opulent haciendas and ranches while their subjects suffer, but I never thought that such a situation would exist in my own backward. And yet, come election, the people of Sarawak still voted him in, for a mere pittiance. On top of that, they have been robbed off their land and subjected to cruelty by the logging companies. ENOUGH, WAKE UP and Voice Your Choice.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Finally Taib comes to his senses, er almost!

The Chief Minister of Sarawak, Taib Mahmud has finally admitted that the people of his constituent dislike him.(read here) He must have really felt guilty after his global wealth was exposed, while his own people still wallow in poverty. He must have also felt really guilty for not having kept his promise to uplift the living standard of his people. And what did he promise? He promised the people of Sarawak that in return for their land and destruction of the rainforest they would receive a future bathed in wealth and prosperity. He promised them a modern standard of living comparable to advanced countries. He promised the Iban good compensation when they were forced from their homes to make way for the building of the dam but they were charge more for their new homes. He promised free water and electricity from the dam, but this promise has since been broken. He promised the people at Batang Ai that if they voted for him he would pay millions of ringgit to improve their longhouses and their roads. But that did not happen. Meanwhile he and his family and cronies amass properties worth billions around the world. Is it therefore any wonder his own kind dislikes him.
He then appeals to the people not to abandon BN just because they dont like him. Is he still blurr or what? He and the BN, especially the umnos, are just as guilty for the present situation in Sarawak. What? do you mean the hands of the umnos are clean? You have been scratching each others back for the past 50 years and the fact remains that Malaysia's richest state has the poorest population.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Do You Still Want to Complain?

Let's take a moment and pray for the kids, and others in similar sitiuation, as seen in this video.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Another frog leaps!

There goes another frog! This time its Malim Mawar state assemblyman, Keshvinder Singh from the DAP. Watch the video and watch his body movements. Do you think he really believes himself?
Anyway, his reason for leaving to become an independent is because he could not get the money to help his constituency. If that is so, there wont be any Opposition MPs or Aduns left as everyone would have the same problem. What a pathetic reason. But others stay on to highlight the plights and go down to the grass-roots to explain. But I guess this Singh decides to take the easy way out and wait for handouts from the umnos. Probably he'll get more than hand-outs. No way is someone going to leap frog without being rewarded handsomely. The reward must have been too tempting for him to decide to sacrifice honour, intergrity and dignity.

Look who's talking?

Hypocrits! hypocrits! hypocrits! I say 3 times hypocrits! What kind of religion is that while acknowledging that something is sinful, then advocates it to others? In the Dewan Rakyat, Bung Moktar Radin had urged the government to go ahead to legalise sports betting, just because the non-Malay community wants it. And since it is a billion ringgit business, it is alright to legalise it. So this umno muslim government doesn't mind obtaining money from a sinful source. Sheeesh! what kind of reasoning is that? Fancy, after having caught for breaking the muslim marriage law, he now advocates the another law can be broken because the non-malays want it. How many layers of skin does this Bung have, I wonder? And you, the non-Malay gamblers out there, be known that you are being made use of. This is typical of the umno government. If they want to do something, they will create thousand and one reasons to justify their action. And where are Ibrahim Ali and Zulkifli Nordin, the great defender of the muslim faith. Can we have the umno govt. next legalise prostitution or corruption, as they are also big money churning business? and the non-malays also want this.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bumi votes already in the bag -Sarawak CM

CM Taib of Sarawak said that the Bumi votes are already in the bag. And the reason he gave, "The bumiputeras are humble. They know they are poor and in difficulty. So they place high hopes in the government to help them out."
If the people of Sarawak still cannot read this as an insult and continued oppression, then they truly deserve their lot. After 47 years, they are still poor and in difficulty. So how come with its wealth from its abundant natural resources, the people still remains poor? And they will continue to live in poverty as long as they vote for BN, for the tactics of Taib and the BN is to make the people rich and feel good temporarily prior to election. After that they are left on their own and forgotten until the next election. Please open your eyes and see how the CM and his cronies are living. You have given Taib and the BN 47 years and you are still in the same situation. Its high time you deserve something better and a change of government cannot be any worse, but better.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

PM's approval rating at a record high

Acording to independent pollster Merdeka Centre, Najib Abdul Razak's approval rating has hit a record high at 72 percent, up from 69 percent in April

Is this a joke? Who were the respondents. and where were they chosen from? With so much excess baggages yet to be cleared and with the "you help me I help you" still fresh on everyone's lips, the respondents must be really out of touch with reality. It was also reported that out of 1028 respondents, half or 47 percent of them are unemployed. This means for every 2 respondents interviewed, 1 is unemployed. This speaks very poorly of our employement rate, does it not? Moreover this is contradictory to the government's claim that the unemployment rate in Malaysia is 3.7%?

 Lets hope that this has not bloated Najib's ego and that he will do well to remember what happened to his predecessor who after having garnered a popularity rating of more than 90% lost 4 states and umnos's two-third majority in Parliament in 12 GE.

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Shameless Five

Take a good look at their faces. They called themselves Konsensus Bebas (Independent Consensus) and they are to act as an "effective, independent and non-partisan parliamentary bloc. They were formally PKR members , but before that they were either sacked or rejects of umnos and Gerakan and even DAP. I suppose it never occurred to them to ask themselves why they were sacked or rejected? They have now betrayed the trust given to them by the voters who voted for them because they stood under PKR. According to Malaysia Today and other blogs, they are tainted to the core. And yet they have the cheek to show themselves. Look again, look carefully. Do you see faces that can be trusted?  And as for being non-partisan, yeah its like concluding that sodomy has taken place even without penetration.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Do Our Leaders know what they are Saying?

See how stupid our ministers/leaders are.
From the new transport minister, Kong Chor Ha, regarding the PKFZ investiagtion.
"I think enough investigations and studies have been done on that issue. So, I don't think there is need to (re-examine) the investigation," and then in the next breath, he said "I also have to know exactly what the PKFZ is about,"
If he does not know exactly what PKFZ is all about, then how can he conclude that enough investigations and studies have been done? Sheeeesh!!!
Next. comes our former CM Khir Toyol.
He said said "gambling of any kind was forbidden in Islam and the government must put safe guards to ensure Muslims don’t get involved." Then in the next breath, he said “But economically it is practical to allow legalised sports betting so the government can obtain revenue,”
Can anyone make any sense out of this ? Gambling is forbidden in Islam, but the govt. is practically run my Muslims, and it now issues a gambling licence. What hypocrisy is this. And the best part is that this muslim govt. will forbid their kind from sinning but will give permission for the other races to sin. I will never believe that Muslims in its pure form, will condone this.
Finally Khir Toyol concluded that with a stroke of a pen, gambling becomes OK if it can bring in revenue for the govenment. So its back to money again. Everything is OK as long as there is money.
Sheeeesh, sheeesh, I say sheesh 3 times.!!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Arsehole specialist.

So this is the doctor, Dr.Mohd. Razali Ibrahim, that concluded that the presence of semen around the arsehole is conclusive evidence that penetration had taken place. Furthermore there was no evidence of bruises. So I have been cracking my head as to how this could have happened, and still have not come up with an answer. Incidentally, if Razali's conclusion is medicallly possible, can the MMA please explain to the public how so. If Razali is talking nonsence, please censure him so that we will not have half past six doctors manning our hospitals. Anyway, I for one will never consult him if I have an arsehole problem. A simple haemorroid maybe diagnosed as a cancerous growth by him. Folks, you know who he is and you have been warned. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Another RPK fan ???

Want to know how to get into the news? All you got to do is say something bad about RPK on behalf of Umno and you are in the news. First it was Mohd. Paud Zarkashit,(shit 1) who called for the exposure of RPK's sponsors. Then came Syed Ali Alhabsheet (shit 2) who suggested that the Government revoke the citizenship of the RPK. And this comes from a man who is a Pendatang and a celup and who has the gall to suggest the citizenship of RPK, a certified subject of the Selangor Sultan, be revoked. The latest to get into the act is the former Kedah Speaker Rozai Shafian.(left). When Kedah fell into PR's hands, he also lost his speaker's position and the power that went with it. And typical of umno's character, he must rise from the grave to give a few barks occasionally.  He branded RPK a henchman, and wants the govt. to go after the funders. Now there is the switch in strategy. They know where RPK is but cannot do a thing. They can't arrest him, can't extradict him and can't revoke his citizenship. So now  they are turning their attention to the sponsors and funders. What an embarrassment! The mugshot above is to let you people know how a real henchman looks like.