Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Another frog leaps!

There goes another frog! This time its Malim Mawar state assemblyman, Keshvinder Singh from the DAP. Watch the video and watch his body movements. Do you think he really believes himself?
Anyway, his reason for leaving to become an independent is because he could not get the money to help his constituency. If that is so, there wont be any Opposition MPs or Aduns left as everyone would have the same problem. What a pathetic reason. But others stay on to highlight the plights and go down to the grass-roots to explain. But I guess this Singh decides to take the easy way out and wait for handouts from the umnos. Probably he'll get more than hand-outs. No way is someone going to leap frog without being rewarded handsomely. The reward must have been too tempting for him to decide to sacrifice honour, intergrity and dignity.

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