Wednesday, June 9, 2010

PM's approval rating at a record high

Acording to independent pollster Merdeka Centre, Najib Abdul Razak's approval rating has hit a record high at 72 percent, up from 69 percent in April

Is this a joke? Who were the respondents. and where were they chosen from? With so much excess baggages yet to be cleared and with the "you help me I help you" still fresh on everyone's lips, the respondents must be really out of touch with reality. It was also reported that out of 1028 respondents, half or 47 percent of them are unemployed. This means for every 2 respondents interviewed, 1 is unemployed. This speaks very poorly of our employement rate, does it not? Moreover this is contradictory to the government's claim that the unemployment rate in Malaysia is 3.7%?

 Lets hope that this has not bloated Najib's ego and that he will do well to remember what happened to his predecessor who after having garnered a popularity rating of more than 90% lost 4 states and umnos's two-third majority in Parliament in 12 GE.

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