Tuesday, August 30, 2011

UMNO - Remove the plank from your eyes first before you go after Mat Sabu

Amazing, really amazing! Like hungry vultures swooping down on Mat Sabu for his statement on the Kepong incident. One by one, the umno ministers have attacked Mat Sabu, and the latest to join in the fray were the Home Minister, and ,not to be left out, the man himself, MM. Now Mahathir is saying that PAS idolises the communists, but then a few months back, it was the Socialist Party of Malaysia. So to borrow a phrase from YB Lim Guan Eng, make up your mind. Who is supporting/idiolising the communists, PAS or SPM?  
Then we have the Home Minster accusing Mat Sabu of provocating, but "its clearly not working". Not working? How many ministers, including the past and present PM have shot their venoms at Mat Sabu, and by now there should have been more than 50 police reports made against him. "clearly not working?"

Next we have Utusan accusing Mat Sabtu of wanting to rewrite history. Well, that has not been done yet. But what has already been done is the story of Hang Tuah and his gang. I studied it in my history in the 60s, but now my grandchildren dont know who these people are. Now who is rewriting history. Look at the plank in front of your eyes first lah, before you try to see the speck in someone's
I do not dispute the fact that those who fought against the communist at B.Kepong are national heroes, and they "must be given due credit by all quarters for their courage and sacrifice", so said Karpal Singh. But what I do dispute is the speed and velocity of attack, even before the facts are verified.  
Compare Mat Sabu's statement with the following,
- Najib rang warning bells when he threatened “crushed bodies”, “lost lives” and “ethnic cleansing” at an UMNO assembly.
- Perkasa would hold a demonstration to counter the planned Bersih 2.0 street rally on July 9, had called on the Chinese 
  to stock up on food.
 Now you tell me, which is more omnimous? but where are the voices of condemnation? Yes, J. Khairy has publicly condemned Ibrahim for his seditious statement and has urged that "Action should be taken against him as his statement is a clear threat,"
So has any action been taken? And now the IGP is going to haul up Mat Sabu to question him on his statement. But Mat Sabu had denied all the allegations, saying that Utusan had fabricated "the quote" and that he would be suing the papers. I hope he does, and sue the police as well, for putting him through all the inconveniences.

Monday, August 29, 2011


Police brutality as evidenced in the Bersih rally,
Racial rhetorics as expounded by Ibrahim Ali and Utusan,
Threatening words by our own PM, like "crushed bones and dead bodies, and his flip-flop policies,
Judiciary decisions that disregard the law,
MACC foul-up and cover-ups,
Death in police custody,
Christian bashing,
Umno's unrelentless programme to whittle down the number of non-Malays,
and the list goes on.......
I dont know how you people out there feel, but I am just not in the mood to celebrate. Yes we are in the 54th year of Merdeka, but the racial harmony and integration sucks. Yes, there will be official celebrations in all the states, but these are planned by the government and attendance is compulsory for civil servants and even teachers and students. Take a drive round and see if you can feel the spirit of Merdeka. Count the number of Jagur Gemilang flown on cars and even in houses. Where is the spirit?
Had it not for the Hari Raya which falls on the same day, the Merdeka celebrations would have been a tame affair.
But I doubt there will be much visitations during this Hari Raya, especially for the non-muslims. You see, to add to the already deteriorating racial split, Jakim has now come out with guidelines as what non-muslims must do when muslims are invited to their celebrations. Read here . We must remove whatever religious symbols that offend the muslim faith, etc. I suppose the same will also apply to non-muslims who wish to visit their Muslim friends. So if I am wearing a cross, I have to remove it before
I enter a muslim house, isit? And if a muslim visits my house, I have to remove the cross which hangs on the front door, isit? No way will this happen in my house. So the best solution? you stay put and I'll stay put.
So after 54 years , this is the state we have come to!!! And all these is because of umno's desire to cling to power, and the inabilty of the MCA, MIC and Gerakan to wake up from their deep slumber. Sad. very sad. 1 Malaysia, People First and what not are hollow words uttered by a man who has no principles, no scruples about saying one thing but doing the opposite. Racial harmony is dead. We are like zombies walking on the roads and bypassing each other suspiciously.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Who is pointing the gun at whose head?

The EC Chairman, Abdul Aziz has cautioned Bersih 2 not to put a gun to his head when discussing Electoral reforms. Does the chairman know what is putting a gun to someone's head? Most probably he doesn't. So I would advise him to look at the  Armed Forces chief General Zulkifeli Mohd Zin's outburst as a typical example of putting a gun to someone head's head, in this case the rakyat's head. Zulkifeli’s rhetorical question “How can we be loyal to you if you are disloyal to us” is not only a threat but an ultimatum. In the first place, what disloyalty was he talking about? How can exposing a fraud or hanky-panky be termed as disloyal?He further warned that it was "treachery" for staff to blow the whistle on their bosses. So does that mean, soldiers cannot blow whistles on officers who are treacherous? What the four ex-servicemen, Major (Rtd) Risman Mastor, Kamarulzaman Ibrahim, Mohamed Nasir Ahmad and Mohd Kamil Omar did has only confirmed that such electoral malpractices with regard to postal ballots is an open secret for decades. The traitors should be the commanding officers who gave the orders officers to mark postal votes from hundreds and thousands of personnel who were out of the field in three separate general elections between 1978 and 1999 s. Such shallow thinking is not befitting of a general who is tasked to protect the people and country. Hey General. where have you been? Haven't you read of all the electoral frauds and discrepancies that are being exposed on a daily basis? And when proofs are presented, excuses after excuses are offered. So you still "denied that there is any manipulation as claimed. The voting process carried out by the Armed Forces is clean, transparent and professional without any interference by all levels of the Armed Forces' leadership,” So far 5 patriotic ex-army officers who have nothing to gain except loyalty to King and country, have exposed the manipulation in the army postal votes, and you have called them traitors. I have not doubt more will come forward and this time with concrete proofs. I shall be waiting with bated breath to hear of your excuses.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Christian Bashing Continues.

The Christian Bashing continues. This time we are being accused of using subtlety to proselytize the muslims, citing certain organizations which were hiding behind the guise of welfare aid and offering monthly cash allowances of at least RM1,000 to hard-hit Muslims and their families in an attempt to turn them into Christians. What balderdash ! Christian organisations have been doing community services, like Street Feeding, Soup Kitchen, Drop in Centres, etc regardless of faith or ethnicity for years. In times of natural disaster, Christian organisations will be among the first to be at the scene to offer help to the victims irrespective of race. It would be  simply ridiculous to stop and ask what religion or what race before giving out the aid. However, with the present crisis which the government in power doesn't seem to be able to control, the Christian organisations will have to relook at their policy of giving aid to everyone. 
 So where do we go from here? The Bashing continues unabated with more umno NGOs jumping into the bad wagon to unleash their venom, without a thought for the peace and tranquility of the country. There is now an unseen strain of relationships between the Malays and the non-Malays, especially the Christians. Should I or shouldn't I? invite a Malay friend to a wedding dinner, visit a Malay friend when he/she is sick or during Hari Raya? Damn it! damn all those religious bigots and racists who created this situation in the first place and damn those who are now harping on it!