Monday, August 29, 2011


Police brutality as evidenced in the Bersih rally,
Racial rhetorics as expounded by Ibrahim Ali and Utusan,
Threatening words by our own PM, like "crushed bones and dead bodies, and his flip-flop policies,
Judiciary decisions that disregard the law,
MACC foul-up and cover-ups,
Death in police custody,
Christian bashing,
Umno's unrelentless programme to whittle down the number of non-Malays,
and the list goes on.......
I dont know how you people out there feel, but I am just not in the mood to celebrate. Yes we are in the 54th year of Merdeka, but the racial harmony and integration sucks. Yes, there will be official celebrations in all the states, but these are planned by the government and attendance is compulsory for civil servants and even teachers and students. Take a drive round and see if you can feel the spirit of Merdeka. Count the number of Jagur Gemilang flown on cars and even in houses. Where is the spirit?
Had it not for the Hari Raya which falls on the same day, the Merdeka celebrations would have been a tame affair.
But I doubt there will be much visitations during this Hari Raya, especially for the non-muslims. You see, to add to the already deteriorating racial split, Jakim has now come out with guidelines as what non-muslims must do when muslims are invited to their celebrations. Read here . We must remove whatever religious symbols that offend the muslim faith, etc. I suppose the same will also apply to non-muslims who wish to visit their Muslim friends. So if I am wearing a cross, I have to remove it before
I enter a muslim house, isit? And if a muslim visits my house, I have to remove the cross which hangs on the front door, isit? No way will this happen in my house. So the best solution? you stay put and I'll stay put.
So after 54 years , this is the state we have come to!!! And all these is because of umno's desire to cling to power, and the inabilty of the MCA, MIC and Gerakan to wake up from their deep slumber. Sad. very sad. 1 Malaysia, People First and what not are hollow words uttered by a man who has no principles, no scruples about saying one thing but doing the opposite. Racial harmony is dead. We are like zombies walking on the roads and bypassing each other suspiciously.

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