Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Yes, Please Define what is Sedition.

Yes, Yes, please do define what is sedition. To an ordinary man like me, what was uttered by Nasir  was 100% seditious and yet Minister Nazri said it is not. So it is now up to the minister or the judge to decide whether words uttered are seditious or not. So far all seditious statements uttered by the Oppositions are considered seditious and all statements utterred by the BN, especially umnos, are either not seditious or it is taken out of context or some other stupid excuses. Give me a break. I am not that stupid, stupid! Why not just come out and say that you are in control and you can interprete the law anyway you want. At least there  is honesty there and I can deal with that. But to twist and turn the law and to think that we will accept everything in toto, is a damn insult to our intelligence.
Karpal Singh was charged for sedition for simply suggesting that a ruler could be brought to court. Theresa Kok was charged for having allegedly said that the prayers from the mosque was too loud and had to be ISAed for her own protection. Sheeeesh! what a waste of time and money and human resources.
As for Loh Seng Kok who asked Putrajya to define what is sedition, I thank him for standing up and be counted. And I urge him to follow it up and insist that the question be answered. Otherwise it will just be another show-off that the MCA is doing something to win back the voters.

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