Sunday, October 18, 2009

Umno is not Racist - Sheeesh, Give me a break!

At the recently concluded UMNO General Assembly, the umno president, Najib said that UMNO is not racist. Obviously he is what Mahathir called ‘Melayu mudah lupa’. Either that or he is shouting rhetorics to placard the non-Malays in line with his “umno must change’ because the ‘people want change’ policy.

If UMNO is not racist, then explain the following:-
The setting up of Biro Tata Negara (BTN) to instill in the minds of the young Malays the concept of Ketuanan Melayu and the dangers of the other races. Isn’t this racist?
Why it has allowed its umno-owned newspaper, specifically Utusan Melayu, to publish stories and commentaries that were seditious in nature? Not taking any action against the paper is bad enough, but Najib had gone the opposite direction by praising the papers instead. Tell me then, if the paper had written racist articles, how dare then can you say that umno is not racist?
Why it has organized forums after 8/3 where the Malays were warned about the erosion of the Malay power, and erroneously claimed that Malay land had fallen into the hands of non-Malays? Isn’t this racist?
Why is that non-Malays have to work much harder to secure places of institutions of higher learning? Even then many students with brilliant results failed to get places and have to go overseas, because of the restrictive quota. And why is that only a small percentage of government scholarships are given to non-Malays. Isn’t this racist?
Why is that 99% of Petronas gas stationas are owned by Malays and 99% of its directors are Malays?
Why is that the civil service so understaffed by non-Malays?
Why are there education institutions that are strictly for the Malays?
This list is by no means exhausted, but it is enough to repudiate Najib’s assertion that UMNO is not racist. So please don’t warn us against calling umno racist. Look into your UMNO policy first,

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