Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bagan Pinang - PAS Loss, a Wake-Up Call

As expected the post mortem is in full swing now. Political analysts from both sides are giving their expert opinions. The reasons why PAS faired atrociously are varied, the postal vote being one of them, but the one that strikes out glaringly, and echoed loudly in coffee shops, is that the people are indeed fed-up with the internal bickering among the Pakatan partners. especially from the likes of Hassan Ali and Zulkifli Nordin. Apart from failing to deliver, it is also not convinced that it is strong enough in view of the many defections. So between the two evils, it is then better to have the evil (BN) that they already know rather than the one they dont know. Lim Kit Siang in his blog sounded a warning about sweeping issues under the carpet and that the coalition partners must not be shy to discipline its errant members. Without putting its own house in order, the PR coalition can stop dreaming of forming the next Federal government. Read also Art Harun's comment at http://www.malaysianinsider.com/index.php/opinion/art-harun/40226-faux-pas-at-bagan-pinang for detailed reasons of Pas's loss.
Attributing BN's success to the person of Isa may indeed hold some truth. We all know that he has been found guilty of money politics. We also know that  a leopard can never change its spots. And so Isa being Isa, the voters are now hoping for more money coming their way, although they may be distributed through a third party, like the 2 datuks and one Tan Sri. Now that the BN has declared that all criminals should be given a second chance, it is now open season to give out money. If you are caught, appeal against your sentence and you can bounce back to your original position. Hey Tamby Chik & Mohd x2, what are you waiting for? Malaysia Boleh!

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