Friday, October 16, 2009

Tony Kwok-the man from HongKong shooting from the Hip

Recently there was this guy by the name of Tony Kwok Man Wai , a former deputy commissioner of Hong Kong famed Anti corruption Agency, who gave a thumb’s up to the operations the MACC. He only lauded the setting up of the 5 Advisory Committees to monitor the MACC, but did not mention how effective are their monitering. But we all know how effective they are. So I don’t know which hole he had crawled out from, but he is definitely jurassic in his views. On the other hand, being a ‘former’ officer, probably he was given a free holiday to come over to give the MACC a boost, especially after the bashing it has been getting. If only Tony had checked his facts before he opened his big mouth. If only Tony had read some of the proceedings and cases that are on going, he would have saved himself the embarrassment of shooting from the hip. He need not have to go far back. Just the present Teoh Beng Hock’s case will reveal the lies, inconsistencies and denials of its officers will probably put Tony to shame, that is if he truly belonged to the elite Hong Kong Crime buster commission.

Then we have the MACC going in with guns blazing to investigate the expenditure of RM2400 for purchase of 1500 Malaysian flags, resulting in a witness ( repeat witness) coming out of the MACC office in a body bag, but are pussy footing on how Khir Toyo acquire his multi-million ringgit mansion. (see picture).

So Tony, do us Malaysians a favour. Open yourself to all political parties and hear their views. Better still, join me in a coffee shop and hear the people's views.

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