Saturday, November 14, 2009

Nazri, Is there any more law left in our country?

With all his twisting and turning of the facts in the Lingam case, I wonder whether Nazri, the minister in the Prime Minister’s dept., can really sleep in peace every night. I wonder how he can face his children with all the distortion of facts and I wonder how he can look into the mirror every morning. Truly only a man without a conscience can do all these. First he said that Lingam was just out to impress people with his phone conversation with a judge. He conceded that Lingam’s “actions can undermine and erode the integrity of the judiciary”, but his action was only morally wrong and there was nothing illegal about it. Isn’t undermining and eroding the integrity of the judiciary bad enough? But I suppose Nazri knows that the integrity of the judiciary is already in bad shape, so for Nazri to add Lingam’s morally wrong action to further erode the image of the judiciary is no big deal.

Next, when a witness was prepared to testify, Nazri said that she was not the witness they were looking for. What kind of law do we have when a witness with concrete evidence is blatantly rejected? And you want the public to co-operate with the police?

Even Lingam’s brother testimony in the Royal Commission that he carried a bag full of money to the home of a former judge, was rejected by Nazri as it had nothing to do with the brokering of judges. Again, what kind of law do we have here? Nazri seems to be above the law and is allowed to interpret the law as he sees fit.
So they are going to let Lingam walk. He is as guilty as hell and they let him walk.

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