Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Disunity will only weaken UMNO Malay Power

"Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin reminded the Malays that they face the possibility of losing political power if they continue to be divided."
This should have read,"Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin reminded the UMNO Malays that they face the possibility of losing UMNO political power if they continue to be divided." The fact that there are also Malays in the DAP. PAS and Keadilan doesn't seem to register in his kampong mentality. The fact that when PKR takes over Putrajaya, the Malays will still be in power and the PM will still be a Malay, is not important to him. What he wants is UMNO Malay power and an UMNO Malay PM. He can only sell this to the Kampong Malays who are still subservient to the Umnos, but a time will come when they too will wake up. This is another lie that the umnos are spreading. Before this the ex PM Mahathir said that the Malays would become a minority race  and now, this minority race will lose its power. Anyway, one view came from a senile old man and another from a jagur kampong- not really creditable anyway.

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