Friday, July 23, 2010

Country's FDI down 81% for 2009

With the news we have been reading lately, most of us must now know that our country is in bad shape. According to the World Investment Report  2010 just unveiled,(read here) our FDI plunged 81 percent from US$7.32 billion (RM23.47 billion) in 2008 to just US$1.38 billion (RM4.43 billion) last year, a decline of US5.9 billion. The FDI of neighbouring countries like Thailand and Indonesia did not contract as badly as ours. And yet all this while certain leaders have been bickering about ketuanan Melayu and the rights of the Malays. On top of that our govt. of the day prefers to spend their time trying to wrestle back power from the PKR states by devious means, trying to pin Anwar Ibrahim on a framed-up sodomy charge and going after RPK. Our oil reserve is depleting and the last round of price increase is starting to take its toll. So what has the BN government done to bring back foreign investment?? Nothing. There is really nothing the BN govt. can do because foreigners do not trust that they will have a fair deal in this country, should there be any controversy. The internet has seen to it that the whole world knows what is happening in Malaysia.
Meanwhile the umno leaders will continue to rape the country and park their investment and money in other countries. And the 'blind' Malay followers will one day wake up to find all their leaders gone, and there is no one left to fight for ketuanan Malayu and Malay rights.

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