Monday, March 1, 2010

Umno must be Paranoid!

It is really difficult to fathom the mentality of some of these umno people. The latest, and under the paranoid Ibrahim Ali,  80 Malay groups have come together to form the Malay Consultative Council (MPM) to push the government to maintain affirmative action for the country’s dominant race. Their main aim is to protect the malays and Islam,  but from what and from whom? Already 65% of the population are  malays and these 65% controls the army, police, the judiciary and the government. Switch on the TV and one will see malay corporate figures signing MOUs or lunching  campaigns. The MCA  MIC and Gerakan have already been trampered on until there is not a squeak left. The malays are already a dominant race in the country, and that's where it has to stop. You can be a dominant race but don't you dare dominate others. What have the non-malays done to cause fear to the dominant race? In fact the non-malays should be more fearful because of the twisted and selective
enforcement of the law. The refusal to charge the 2 Al-Islam journalists for sacrileging the christian holy ritual by the AG is a classic example of the dominating race doing whatever it likes. No reason given, just NFA. So can we form a non-malay consultative council to protect the rights of the non-malays? Sudah lah! On one hand we talk about 1 Malaysia but on the other, we start forming racial groups, thereby creating greater polarization and civil unrest.
In reality, it is not the malays that are fearful. "Most Malays are not that racist, they will see through this ruse,” said Mujahid, head of PAS's national unity committee. He further advised that “Malaysians must stay clear-headed. Don’t be confused or be frightened by all the threats of violent racial reaction from these hot-heads."
It is only the malays in umno that fear the loss of the power grip. The umno malays fear the malays from PAS and PKR and are using the non-malays as punching bags. Come on, Ibrahim Ali, admit it, and the PM and umno is happily prodding you on.
And as for protecting Islam, what have the non-malays done to cause you to fear? Probably it is the articles on Islam and muslims written by RPK that cause you to to be shaken in your own faith.
So don't go about pointing fingers at the non-malays for your inadequacy, your loss of support from your own kind and your paranoia.

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