Friday, March 5, 2010

Beware - It's the AG who calls the shots

So it has now come to a state where the application  of the law is to be decided by the AG, and not even by a judge. Say whatever you like Mr. AG, but the perception is that you decide who to charge and not the law. And your decision was because of pressure from certain quarters. So what about the domestic and international pressure applied on you to drop Anuar's sodomy charge? Yes, yes, we know, you are in control and there's nothing others can do, right?
The two Al-Islam journalists have been left off the hook and the reasons given by you even make by grandchildren query whether there is a law at all.  Look Mr. AG, it doesn't matter whether they know what they were doing, whether anybody noticed, blah blah blah. The crux of the matter is they had sacrileged the most holy rituals of the Christians. You may think that it is alright, but it is not for us. The muslims made a big issue on the use of the word 'Allah', but you want us to ignore the insult done to our God. How do you justify this? Is it because we are a small community that you can ignore us? Be that as it may, but the day of reckoning shall come. My God will not be mocked and those who did have suffered terrible consequences. Read my previous blog on this.
The Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, Tan Sri Murphy Pakiam, had said that the Catholic Church would not pursue legal action against Al-Islam magazine and its reporters if it was offered a public apology. Don't you think that we Christians are more magnanimous than anyone of you? Just a simple apology which will also act as a deterent lesson to others who would want to contemplate such devious act in future. Without any action,  the AG is indeed sending a wrong signal. Come on, the Star was warned and they apologised. So why not give the same kind of warning to Al-Islam?

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