Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Muhyddin is Malay first and Malaysian second.

So its finally out. 1 Malaysia is nothing but empty words as the DPM Muhyddin doesn't even believe in it. He has openly admitted that he is first a Malay and then a Malaysian. He is more worried that the Malays would shun him than be the DPM for ALL Malaysians. Malay is just a race, but Malaysia is a country. If you are Malay first which country do you belong? Then how on earth can you become the DPM of Malaysia ?Anyway can I then also say that I am first a Chinese and then a Malaysian? But no, I am not going to lower myself to his level. Malaysia is my country and I am a Malaysian. Those who cannot say that "I am a Malaysian first" are all traitors and should indeed be sent back to where they came from. Muhyddin, remember your roots are not here, in this country. Moreover, there is no more a country called Malaya. Its Malaysia and we are all Malaysians.

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