Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Insecurity of the umnos borders on Paranoia.

After Perkasa, another organisation has been set up to champion the interest of the Malays, to be more specific, the umno Malays. This time it is made up of former Umno Elected Representatives . My, my, so much fear, so much insecurity. With the protection accorded in the consitution with regards to special privileges, etc, it is really amazing how these umno Malays still live in fear of losing their special position. The police, the judiciary and the macc are already controlled by the Umno government, as evidenced by the many lopsided actions and persecutions carried out by these institutions. So the fear and insecurity is really unfounded.
Pas is a Malay party. PKR members are mostly Malays. But do they go round forming organisations to champion the cause of the Malays? Or is it that only the umno Malays know they are not getting what they rightly deserve? Most probably not getting enough.
Therefore there must be another reason behind this suddden compulsion to form these race-based organisations.
The umnos know that the Malays are already split, politically. There is the umno Malays, the Pas Malays and the PKR Malays. It is to create an artificial fear among the Malays, especially the rural Malays that the Malays are in danger of losing their power. How can the Malay lose its power? If PKR or Pas come into power, they are still Malays. So it is the umno Malay power that these people are afraid of losing. With 65% of the population being Malays, with Malays holding all top civil service posts, police , judiciary, army and even sitting as Chairmen of public listed companies, how can the Malays lose their power? Are you going to leave some for the other Malaysians? Read Zaid's rebut on Perkasa's claim here

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