Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Kartika dilemma solved.

The Home Minister proudly announced that three muslim women had been caned for engaging in illicit sex. And this is the first in Malaysian history. What an achievement. I feel we are going on a reverse gear, back to the stone age. And here we have sky scrapers, twin towers, longest bridge, etc, etc., but we still practice out-dated customs. And we are supposed to be a developed nation by 2020. With this act, the perception of Malaysia has gone negative by several notches and by this, the world will know what kind of people are living in this land., and by this, we will probably lose out in foreign investment, tourist arrival and what not. And all because the umno government wants to prove that they are more muslim than others and that world opinion doesn't matter to them.
Hishammuddin's reasoning and excuse is so shallow and laughable. Just because there has been "too much hype" over Karttika's sentence, the 3 women had thus to be caned first to show that women had been caned before Kartika. If the 3 women had not been caught and caned, you would have been in a dilemma, wont you? So now, you and the govt., is off the hook, so to say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The wisdom of Malaysian Islamic faith is for the offender of such immoral acts to be caned and only then will the offender repent and not repeat their immoral acts. This mindset must be instil in every muslim of the world and as such the world should learn from us as this form of punishment will leads to a more moral s...ociety and towards achieving and producing a more righteous civilisation.