Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Highway Ang Pows

"HIGHWAY ANG POW" that's the front page headline of the Star paper on Tuesday, 9th. February. Without reading the details, one would wonder whether the ang pow is for the police. I don't mean bribery here. If the police catch the traffic offenders, like speeding, the summons imposed is a kind of ang pow for the police, right?  So for those who are travelling to balik kampong during this CNY festival, decide to whom you want to give your hard earned ang pows. So the discount or toll free drive will mean nothing if you have to give back more than what the toll concessionaire gives you.
3 days after the start of Operation Sikap, 35 lives have been snatched away and the figure is bound to climb higher. Its mind boggling how people still haven't learnt their lessons. Its shear arrogance and stupidity to think that the accidents they read about will not happen to them. The problem may not be you, but a trailer parked along the emergency lane, a cow crossing the road or a hole in the road, may determine whether you arrive home safely or not, or whether you even arrive at all.

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