Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Beware of games Offered by Sponsors

There is an advertisement in the Malaysian Insider Website that warrants a second look before jumping in for the fun of it. It is a sponsored linked advertisement entitled 'How Smart Are You?" It looks innocent and there was no mention of any charges. You are first given a picture of several triangles and are asked to determine the number of triangles.  The moment you clicked on the answer, you are directed to another site with further questions. At the end of 10 questions, you are to click an sms number to know your score and the level of your IQ. The moment you do this, you are automatically registered as a subscriber. And if you later read the T & C which was hidden unless you scroll and look for them, you will notice that you have already paid for the sms and will further have to pay RM4 for each future sms or RM12 per week. And if you want to terminate your membership you need to send another sms to do that which involves another charge. Think of the number of people who are caught unaware and the amount of money to get in and out. Whether this is a scam or not, I'll leave to the readers to judge. As for me, I am angry with myself for being gullible and stupid.

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