Friday, March 4, 2011

Another Pakatan Conflict made Public to Benefit umnos.

The road to Putrajaya for Pakatan seems to be getting further and further away. The coalition partners seem to be at loggerheads each time a controversial issue surfaces. This time its about Kelantan putting a  ban on lottery tickets. When PAS does something, its going to lose Chinese votes. When DAP does something, its going to cost the coalition the Malay votes and when PKR says something, its the Indians that are not going to be happy. Sheeeeessssh!!! why can't you blood party members stop making public statements and discuss this privately. You dont even know whether its a new ruling of the state government or an oversealous enforcement of the local council.  So why beat the gun and go public? The umnos are meanwhile laughing all the way to the toilets to rid themselves of their diarrhoea.
Anyway, why is PAS so stupid as to make such a move just before 2 by-elections? Then why must DAP go public demanding an explanation. Dont you think its better to go public with " well, afterall gambling is not good, but we will get an explanation from PAS." You people are still feeding on milk and not matured enough do the correct methods of wheeling and dealing to get into the good books of your supporters. All you are interested is to score points for yourself and not for a united Pakatan.  

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