Saturday, March 12, 2011

Stand Up for Jesus, Ye soldeirs of the Cross

Why are the muslim, specifically the umno muslims, so scared of the Christians? They don't allow the Christians to use certain Malay words, they don't allow the Christians to sing Christian hymns and to remove signs of the cross whenever special umno leaders visit their place of worship, and the umno government either refuses permission for the bulding of churches or restrict the numbers. How come they dont have the same fear for the Buddhists and the Hindus? At times I wonder whether it is to our credit that they show so much fear for our Christian faith. And this is probably due to the their leaders having read too much of the power and miracles performed by our Lord Jesus Christ. Hence the fear. But is their faith in their religion so weak that they have to impose laws to protect their followers, the umno muslim specifically? The faithful and rightious muslims have come out to condemn the protectionist attitude of the umno government, and felt insulted with the govt's policy, but their number is not big enough to make an impact.
The latest confiscation 0f 30,000 BM bibles is another example of fear. Maybe not fear, but arrogance and kiasu attitude of the umno government. But enough is enough!. The 10%  Christian population of the country must now stand up and be counted.
Article 11 provides for every person to have “the right to profess and practice his religion”, and that every religious group has the right (a) to manage its own religious affairs, (b) to establish and maintain institutions for religious or charitable purposes, and (c) to acquire and own property and hold and administer it in accordance with the law. So what is happening?

Thomas Lee in his Article in Malaysia Chronicles sugggested 4 ways by which we Christians can answer this Clarion call. I quote from his article below.
First of all, as Christians, we believe in the power of divine intervention, so we must unite in unceasing prayer before the throne of grace to seek God’s help. A nationwide non-stop prayer vigil should be organised by the various churches to pray for the nation and its leaders. Individual Christians on their own should also set aside a day each week to fast and pray.

Secondly, the Christians must be united in their stand to defend their human and constitutional rights, to curb and prevent any breach or dilution of such fundamental rights. They should give steadfast and strong support to the CFM and church leaders in their negotiation with the authorities on the matter. At the same time, the CFM and its leadership should be resolute and unwavering in their stand, without fear or favour. Those who are afraid and not willing to risk the prospect of being detained for standing up should step down from the leadership positions.

Thirdly, the churches should start holding talks and forums to inform and educate their members on the issues affecting them. Pastors should preach and teach on biblical subjects such as Christian responsibility in society. For too long, Christians, including the pastors and church leaders, have been basking in their comfort zone within the four walls of their churches, with nary a concern about their rights being eroded or tramped on. The time has come for Christians to emerge from their spiritual slumber to play a more vocal and visible role as loyal citizens of the nation. They should mobilise themselves to campaign and vote for those who are righteous, just, honest, fair, humble, competent, and incorruptible to serve as their representatives in Parliament and the various state assemblies.

Finally, Christians who are qualified and willing to serve the nation in the socio-political arena should offer themselves as candidates for election to Parliament and the various state assemblies. We need Joseph who became the prime minister of Egypt and saved the country from famine and economic disaster, Moses who fought for the liberation of those oppressed slaves of Egypt, Daniel who stood firm for his faith in the face of religious persecution, David who served as king and unified the nation, Nehemiah who served as a high government official and used his position to help rebuilt Jerusalem, John the Baptist who was beheaded for exposing and condemning the immorality of Herod, and the apostle Paul who exercised his citizenship rights to stand up for his faith. Of course, the prime example is the Lord Jesus who challenged and spoke out against the hypocritical Jewish religious leaders and the oppressive Roman political authorities, and was crucified.

The clarion call to the Christians in Malaysia today is to join with all other Malaysians of like vision and mission to participate in an active national service to bring about the transformation of the nation to a new and better Malaysia.

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