Friday, May 7, 2010

Voice Your Change Campaign

The following invitation is self-explanatory, and deserves the full support of all Malaysians who want to see a better future for ourselves and our children. 

Dear friends and family,

We, of the GEL community who brought to you E.P.I.C (Extraordinary People Impacting Community) would like to invite you to the soft launch of our 'VOICE YOUR CHOICE CAMPAIGN', at Subang Parade at 11.00 am, on the 8th of May 2010. The purpose of our campaign is to register 2 million out of the 5 million unregistered but eligible voters. In addition to this, we have already gathered a rough amount of 15 thousand people, and that is even before the soft launch.

Besides the 2million people that will be registered as new voters, it is also our aim to ignite the spirit of unity among the citizens of Malaysia. With this intention, we have created a video - "Voices" to have the people questioning the status quo and their role in it. This video will be aired during the soft launch and it was directed by one of our local talents, Fazil Fuad. The soft launch will be MC’ed by our local up and rising comedian, Kuah Jenhan. The soft launch itself is set to be an exciting and meaningful event and we would like you to join us.

We would also like to extend our invitation to your close ones to join us on our epic journey to do something great for the nation. It will not be an easy one, but it will certainly be an amazing one. Imagine what we can do by uniting others and also the experience we can gain from being a part of such an amazing movement. We look forward to seeing you there with much anticipation. For further information on our cause or us, feel free to visit us at our website at .
Best regards

Jasmine Ng

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