Sunday, May 30, 2010

Is Samy going nuts?

Samy, oh Samy, you've really gone senile. But I suppose most senile people would have done the same. What he is actually saying is "to hell with all of you. Since I am getting out, I might as well get out with as loud a bang as possible". Your dictatorial action in sacking anyone that mouths something that you dont like, is typical of a mad and confused man. You've definately loss your sanity.The sacking of V.Mugilan, K.P Samy and G.Kumar may have been justified, but to sack your Secretary-general, Murugesu, is just uncalled for. What has he done or said? He did'nt ask you to leave and neither did he support GAS. All he did was expressed his opinion that the sacking of members should be done as a last resort. And as a leader and Sec.-Gen, he should be given that right to do so. Or issit you want dumb followers only?
But then again, maybe Samy is trying to prove, especially to Umnos, that he still has power, albeit fast declining.
What is amazing is that the other members of the CWC and the majority of the MIC members, are not speaking out. If they can't speak their minds in their own backyard, how then are they going to speak against Tai Kor, the Umnos?

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