Monday, January 9, 2012

Hasan to fade into oblivion - Anwar to be the next PM

The year 2012, the year of the Dragon, has started off well, with two events that will herald in a more harmanious  race relationship and a more just judiciary. Of course it may just be a flash in the pan, but it is a start.First we have the sacking of Hasan Ali. Undoubtedly he has been the cause of all the religious unrest and Christian bashing. Who besides this bigot, has been creating religious friction when there is none. Of course there were others, but they are just followers, but with him being cold storaged, there will be less said and done, and everyone can carry on living a peaceful life.
Even his offer of proofs with witnesses, etc have conditions attached to them. He said he has witnesses who will testify that they have been proselythised, and he can arrange for a meeting with this people. But here comes his escape hatch. However the meeting will depend on whether the witnesses will agree to come out, as they feared persecution and humiliation. Persecution from whom? Definitely not from the Christians, but from the likes of Hasan Ali and his Jais and Perkasa. So there is no meeting and so he escapes with another of his empty attacks without proof. Only a person with a devious mind can cook up such a scheme. Its amazing how a person who professes to do everything in the name of his god, cannot see the damage he is causing to the country.
 If the law says it is wrong to proselythise, then charge those who are involved.  But dont make ridiculous accusations without proofs.
The second event is the acquital of Anwar Ibrahim from the sodomy charge. Yes, the judge should be credited for his bravery to make a just stand, based on the facts presented and not presented in the case. However one swallow doesn't a summer make. But we already have the BN ministers coming out to capitalise on this mounmental decision, citing that it is proof that the court is independent. More will surface no doubt to heap praises on the judiciary. One MCA goon has even asked the Opposition to apologise to the public for doubting the court. Gee, after all the lob-sided and umno-fed decisions of the past, are we to jump for joy and conclude that the judiciary is finally independent, just because of Anwar's acquittal?  Dont forget that the police's creditability is still in question, so is the MACC. So let's not cork the champaign yet.  

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