Sunday, January 15, 2012

2012 CNY - Nasi Lauk you never taste before !

This video clip, with a Kelantan touch, is making waves in the internet.
Briefly it tells the story of a nasi lauk (a popular Kelantan dish) seller Kak Ton, whose son, Mat had died of cancer. He then left a note.......(best you see it for yourself)According to some comments, it is better than the Petronas festive advertisements, and shows what 1 Malaysia should be.
One viewer describes the video as a wake-up call.
“I'm going to teach my friends and family that right way, respect each other every religion and every race. A negative thought does not bring u anywhere but a positive ones will. If you think this is an imaginary video then for you it will always, always be only an imaginary video." I couldn't agree with him more.

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