Saturday, January 7, 2012

10 Condition for 901 Rally

What is feared has now materialised. Yes, you can have your rally, but setting,  not one, not two, but 10 conditions has made a mockery of the bill. This is the kind of professionalism we have in our police force. The Kiasu syndrome has set in. Not wanting to lose face altogether, they now impose 10 conditions.
Can you imagine, 100,000 gathered in one spot and we are not allowed to make noise. And how do they define noise? 100,000 talking at the same time, is that making noise? Or are we supposed to look at each other like zombies?
Furthermore the police has confined the rally participants in the area of the car park which the IGP said can hold only 5,000 people, and anyone outside the car park would mean they are gathering illegally and can be arrested. So with 100,00 attending, where are these people supposed to gather? So this will give the police the excuse to use their batons, water canons and create chaos. Subsequently this will be blamed on the rally participants for not following the conditions.
I have already suspect that the police will not simply submit totally to a rally without any strings attached. It is a matter of face saving, and so out comes the 10 conditions. I am sure the rally organsiers are aware of such tactics. 

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