the following 2 pictures which showed Ambiga as the recipient of the US Women of Courage and the French Knight of the Legion of Honour, two tremendously prestigious awards.
These are international awards, and can a 'nobody' receive such awards? And what did Nazri receive? probably a bullock cart wheel, as a giant medellion, to put round his neck to show that he is only fit to run a kampung community. In fact the "nobody" tag should be hung on him, for who in the international arena knows who Nazri is ?Back home in his own backyard, Nazri projects himself as a poorly neglected ministers, and thus needs to prop himself up with his arrogance and bitchiness. As an MP, instead of listening to the wishes of the people, he helps his boss to cling unto the power by spewing lies and threats.
He must be taught that the rakyat will not tolerate his nonsence, and the only way to punish him and his boss is through the polls. As Chua Jui Meng said, " Compare them against Ambiga and see how small these two so-called umno leaders really are - you can judge just by their speech and action"