Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Sungei Buluh Nursery Issue - what gives?

The Selangor Pakatan government needs to come out with a clearer explanation on the Sungei Buluh nursery land dispute. The reason given  by the Menteri Besar for the rejection of the issue of TOL is certainly unacceptable. He stated that the Yayasan Selangor was given the land because "it had 30 years of experience in property management, and that it would enable Yayasan Selangor to take care of the water pipes below the nurseries. However, state Executive councillor Ronnie Lui said that the Agency was given the land so as "to develop and revamp the area. So what is the real reason now? To take care of the water pipes or to develop and revamp the area?
And while the issue rages on, the BN parties are capitalising on this and accusing the Selangor Pakatan government of not keeping their pre-election promises of taking care of the people. MCA vice-president Datuk Donald Lim is throwing accusation in the mass media and this will definitely hurt the Pakatan in the coming GE. He said that Pakatan had always promised transparency but now seemed to be operating in a "black box" as "no one knows what they are doing."
An MIC division chief Barath Maniam said that the Pakatan was taking the rakyat for a ride, and  MCA Chua Tee Yong said the Selangor government's move had clearly shown that the Pakatan could not honour its promises.
Even MP for the area R.Sivarasa seemed to be in support of the nursery operators as he had  advised them to bring the matter to court.
So Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, what is brewing? While our infamous Ibrahim A is helping to add votes to the Pakatan with his rhetorics, you in Selangor are driving away votes to the BN. Whatever it is, a promise is a promise, transparency means transparency. We the rakyat are no fools and would not be taken for a ride too. We, who still have faith in Pakatan, demand a proper explanation, otherwise.......If you are going to operate  the same way as the BN, we might as well retain the BN, as the devil we already know is better than one we don't know.

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