Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Muhyddin, you are the DPM, so behave like one.

The caliber of a minister is reflected in the way he responses to situations confronting them. If he is always chiding his critics or opponents over every trivial issue, he will always remain a third class minister only fit to run a kampong community. To be a minister of international caliber, he must be magnanimous enough to ignore the small stuff and concentrate on bigger issues that affect the country and its people.

There isn’t really much one can say about the ordinary umno ministers except that they are an embarrassment to the nation as some of them can’t even speak proper English. How to take part in international forums?

But Muhyddin, the Deputy Prime Minister, doesn’t seem to know who he is and what his position stands for. He seems to be putting his fingers into all kinds of pies. Whenever the oppositions slip, he is there to pounce on them with all kinds of derogatory remarks, like a child rejoicing over the mishap of his opponents. His defence of the BTN syllabus exposed his ignorance as Nazri has now openly declared that the truth cannot be hidden as Anwar Ibrahim was once in the government and he knows the facts. Then like the pot calling the kettle black, he ticked off Kit Siang for stepping on the photos of 3 Perak ‘frogs’. But he forgot that his umno goons tore the picture of Toh Soo Khoon (pic) and set fire to the photograph of Lim Guan Eng. And don’t tell us that umno was not behind these acts. And I suppose umno was not behind the cow head incidence too, eh? At least Kit Siang did it openly by himself, but the cowardly umno leaders send in their underlings to do the dirty work while they hide behind the veil of innocence. So don’t give us this shit about morality. As a DPM, show us yours first.

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