Friday, September 30, 2011

Najib - A Man's Word is His Bond

A phrase attributed to Miguel de Cervantes is: “An honest man’s word is as good as his bond.” 
But sad to say our Prime Minister, Najib,  fails miserably to live up to such honourable quality. He is neither honest, especially to his people, and his words were just empty gongs designed to hood-wink his own  rakyat.
It is also said that reputation is what men see, but character is what God sees. But here again, Najib has again failed miserably. Men sees no reputation in him and as for character, well I'll let God decide.
What reputation do you see in a man  when his flip-flopping policies have become his trademark. His flip-flop antics are not mere accusations but were widely reported in the BN-owned media.   
His latest was"I did not say we want to abolish quotas, but I said we cannot be too reliant on them. Bumiputra entrepreneurs must be independent, willing to work hard to compete with others so we are better respected.  I absolutely did not say that quotas will be abolished," 
However this was in contrast to what he said earlier, quote " "We want to do away with quotas, but we will support bumiputera entrepreneurs to grow. If we give quotas, they will rest on their laurels and not gain expertise to manage their businesses,"
A lot of folks nowadays wouldn't know what was meant by "his bond", but one would expect, a Prime Minister who is also a well-known leader to know the impact of he utters.
President Obama once said "The way to make government responsible is to hold it accountable and the way to hold it accountable is to make it transparent so that the American people can know exactly what decisions are being made, how they are being made and whether their interests are being well-served." Substitute American for Malaysian. 
I would further add that Najib spend sometime, nay, lots of time, to meditate on " a man's word is his bond"
And in the meantime, I'll take whatever goodies to be offered by Najib with a ton of salt.

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