Saturday, May 14, 2011

MCA, Gerakan, Direct your Rebuke at the source of Trouble and NOT AT THE VICTIMS

A noticeable trend has emerged in the MCA and Gerakan in the way they try to remain relevant in today's political setting. Instead of taking the umno and its cahoots, such as Utusan and Perkasa to task, for creating all the contoversial issues, they have instead aim their venoms at the Opposition parties, the Chinese and now the Christians. Take for instance the current Christian issue. What the DAP and the Christians are doing are merely defending a lie that has been indisciminately thrown at them, without an iota of proof whatsoever. And instead of lambasting the umno bloggers and Utusan Malaysia, the Kedah Gerakan youth chief, Tan Keng Liang turned around and  criticised Lim Guan Eng for prolonging and inflaming the issue. Tan claimed that "the meeting between Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak with Christian leaders was clearly meant to resolve issues relating to an allegation highlighted in the newspaper Utusan and to protect harmony among all religion in our country." The issue was first and foremost NOT created by the Christian leaders and why were they hassled into a meeting and made to pledge to accept Islam as an official religion and respect the Federal Constitution? Aren't those two issues a forgone conclusion? An apology for Utusan's haste by the PM would have been in order, but there was none of that. Tan Keng Liang should first tick off Utusan for raisng the issue without proof and call for the arrest of the 2 bloggers. But I guess it is easier to bully someone else rather than big brother.
Next we have Dr. Mah Hang Soon of the MCA accusing PAS of distorting the MCA President's remarks on the status of Islam. He said, quote "With regards to the unique multi-racial and multi-religious conditions in our country, we at MCA, as well as Malaysians everywhere do respect the status of Islam as the official religion of Malaysia, and we will not make any racial or religious insults which may undermine our national harmony and stability."
Very well said. Then why dont you direct this to the 2 bloggers, Utusan Malaysia, Hishamuddin and the police who had called in the Pastors for questioning? You should tell them " we at MCA, as well as Malaysians everywhere do respect the status of Islam as the official religion of Malaysia, and we will not make any racial or religious insults which may undermine our national harmony and stability."
Again, as I have said, its easier to bully the Opposition and the Christians rather than big brother.
So come on MCA and Gerakan. Tell your big brother to stop hassling the Christains, unless you really believe that 10% of the population is capable of taking over Putrajaya. On top of that we have the constitution and finally we have PAS to content with. With all these obstacles and safeguards, its amazing how our Home Minister and all the other purportedly highly intelligent ministers can ever come to the conclusion that the Christians are conspiring to make Malaysia a Christian Country.

1 comment:

Mig1 said...

I do agree with Gerakan's Tan Keng Liang that DAP Lim Guan Eng prolonging & inflaming the issue is just wrong and worsen the problem. He was only stating the obvious that everyone should not make the matter the worse.
Maybe there is political reason for DAP to prolong the issue but then again, the victim would end up be our country.
That's just my view