Thursday, April 7, 2011

Definitely a staged performance

Seriously, would Anwar, or anyone for that matter, allow a third person into the room where he is going to have sex with another woman? unless it is for a phorno movie and that third person was the Director.  Look at the shadow on the wall. There must have been extra lighting. Is this the way to set a trap? Moreover. Dr. Wan Azizah has stated catogorically that the man is not her husband, and who else other than the wife, is in a better position to recognise the husband's gait, posture and other physical features
The Trio who called themselves Datuk T have confessed that they are the ones responsible in screening the phorno video clip, and the IGP has himself admitted that the video was authentic. What else are the police waiting for? And the IGP wants us to wait, wait for what? until the cows come home?

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