Saturday, August 28, 2010

Will the genuine Muslims step forward to help?

No matter how one explains it, the umnos will never accept the explanations. Talk until the cows come home and umnos will still maintain its stance of  ketuanan Melayu, and every single issue will be turned into a religious and racial issue. That is the only way they can remain relevant and keep the rural Malays under their power.
Otherwise how do you explain that praying for the well-being of a non-muslim in a mosque is insensitive and insult to the muslims, in this case the umno muslims? Or how do you explain the anger of the umno muslims when a non-muslim went into the mosque to present donations to the mosque? Moreover she had been invited to do so. I thought such act would be welcomed. But we all know the issue was not the act itself, but it was being done by the Opposition.
In the past I know very little of the muslim faith. But after reading RPK's articles on the muslim religion, I mean the real muslim faith, I began to realise that it is indeed a beautiful religion. And I also now know that the umno muslims are not practising the faith as expounded by their prophet.
So at the end of the day, it is just plain useless and a waste of effort to appeal or cajole the umnos to stop their acts of religious and racial rhetorics. Now with Mahathir giving support to this racial politics, the conflict is set to escalate unless the PM walks his talk and reign in those responsible, starting with Utusan Melayu.  

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