Saturday, September 19, 2009

Selective Disclosure

So after selective persecution and selective prosecution, we now have selective disclosure. In connection with the leaked PKFZ 18-page document, the PM said that the people is not to be denied “the right of information in the PKFZ case”, and “the people will continue to be informed of developments on the PKFZ investigation” .But in the same breath he flipped with “what we are supposed to tell the people, we will do so.” So we will only be told what the cabinet wants us to know, and all the dirt and corruption will be classified as OSA to protect those in the corridors of power. The BN must also surely have skeletons in the cupboard which must be kept from the public’s knowledge and scrutiny.

And as always, action will be taken against those who leaked the cabinet documents, but nothing is mentioned about action against the perpetrators of the scandal. Malaysia today should be lauded for disclosing the documents without which we the public would not have known about the many corruption and mismanagement that are being exposed. The amazing thing is that none of the BN leaders has shown any concern as to how and why we the Malaysian tax-paying public are being burdened with a RM12.2 billion scandal spanning over three prime minsters and three finance minsters.

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