Saturday, October 30, 2010

So Mr. PM, which is which? Crushed souls & Dead Bodies or Moderation?

How does a call for "movement of moderates" rhyme with a warning of "crushed souls and dead bodies"? The Dr. Jekyll side of Najib called for moderation in the UN General Aseemby. Then he came back to his own country and became Mr. Hyde and warned of "crushed souls and dead bodies". Now he is in  Hanoi and has turned into Dr. Jekyll again, calling for support for an initiative to create a "Global Movement of the Moderates" in order to create world peace. (Yeah, world peace, what about peace in your own backyard?) Frankly, I dont think he is a sane person as a sane person would not double talk this way. As YB Lim Kik Siang asked  "What reaction does Najib expect to elicit "? and so I am asking the same question. Movement of Moderation definitely does not include crushed souls and dead bodies. So please explain yourself, Mr. PM.
As with Malaysia Chronicle which "is just too tired to write about the Malaysian Prime Minister this Saturday and will append below the Bernama report for readers to read and to judge for themselves.", so I'll just do the same. So go here to read.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Why is the Police so Cruel?

For goodness sake, what's happening to our police force? Can they just go round banging people up, even in front of the children, as in Selvachandran's case. What crime has he committed? Is testifying against the police a crime? If that is so, then we are indeed a police state and a failed state. The very people that we are looking up to for protection is going round brutalising its citizens. What have we become? And now the Home Minister, though confessing that he is aware of the case, refused to do anything, fearing that he might be accused of interring in police work. WTF, as if he had not interrred in police work before. We the public demand to know what wrong has Selvachandran done and why is he being held incognito. Where are all the good men and women of this country? Are we going to just sit and let this atrocious act go without asking the whys? Again the solution lies in each and everyone of us. Never forget all these when you cast your votes in the coming GE.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mr. PM, Stop Playing with Fire.

At the recently concluded umno general assembly, the PM vowed " to defend their five-decade stranglehold on the federal government even if it meant crushed bodies and lost lives."

He further added "What I am saying is not surprising. In the 20th century, we have seen cases of punishment without trial in the United States, the holocaust tragedy in Europe, the slaughter of Palestinians in the Middle East and the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and Rwanda. Imagine, what is the outcome, if every generation of Malaysians question the social contract which were agreed upon by their forefathers,”

Can someone explain to the ordinary rakyat how come the PM is allowed to use threatening words and get away with it. Then you even have umno goons trying to explain that the words used are proverbial and meant to uplift the spirit of those present. A threat is a threat, no materr how you explain it. Even a primary school pupil can see it. If you want another test? Then ask YB Lim Kit Siang or YB Karpal Singh to utter the same proverbial phrase and see what happens. The full force of the umnos, including Perkasa will be unleashed on the 2 YBs. You have already seen this done on Namewee and Malaysia Chronicles.
So in the event, which is most likely, the umno loses Putrajaya, does it mean that there really will be crushed souls and dead bodies? It is a horrible thought and one commentator has even gone a step further to warn the rakyat to start keeping weapons. You still think it is just a Malay proverb designed to only lift the spirits of the umno members? Stop playing with fire, Mr. PM. Be a PM for all Malaysians and change your ways, and maybe, just maybe, we could ignore all the extra baggages you are carrying and give you a chance.

Stop wasting time protesting, recommending and appealing.

When are we going wake up and realise that the police , the macc, the judiciary and all other institutions under umno, are not the least interested in all our protests over all the injustices that are prevalent. No amount of protests or appeals are going to move them to change their minds. Take for instance the latest appeal by the CIJ to the MCMC to drop all investigations into Malaysiakini and Malaysia Chronicles, and recommended that it conduct and investigation into the conduct of its officers. Does anyone seriously think the MCMC would take heed and do what has been recommended? Let's stop dreaming. Instead we should be thinking of ways to bring them down the legal way. Oooops! I forgot, our court is not the place to go. Just imagine, how do you fight a case when the court denied the defence team documents and reports related to the case as in the current sodomy ll trial. The case is as good as lost, unless a miracle happens. Therefore the court is not the place to go to, for now. So what is next? Where are all the legal minds? Ultimately we will have to wait for the next GE to kick these freaks without conscience out.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Another young Millionaire in the Making?

Rahimi Osman (standing) - a nobody is now a star  in a new episode of the Anwar Saga. So if you want to become a famous personality, all you got to do is say something bad about Anwar, better still, make a police report, then a have a press conference, and hey presto, you are famous, and a millionaire overnight. What is his story?
Well, 2 years ago, to be exact, 28 June 2008, he had made a SD that implicated the involvement of Najib and his wife in the sodomy ll case. Then suddenly out of the blue, he made a police report a day ago claiming that he was coerced into making that declaration, and the coercion was done by 2 PKR lawyers, Lathheefa Koya & Saiful Izham Ramli. Yes, two years later and it has a tinge of dejavu - as in the case of Teoh Boon Hock, when it was evident that macca was losing the case when suddenly a suicide note was introduced- a year later. Don't these umno goons have better script than to follow an old one? And again they get a young gullible nut to put on the show and again, it was done just before a by-election.  Sheeeesh, the story is so preditable. Its amazing how these people can sleep in peace at night.

Friday, October 1, 2010


What is our country coming to? You dont see justice even in a simple open and shut case. The anger wells up in you and you just want to yell out all the curses.
The practice of double standards is so obvious that even a child can see it being done. Whatever wrong the umno and its goons do, the authorities will pussy foot with their investigations and even if investigations are carried out, the outcome is inevitable - not enough evidence, action misunderstood, its a personal opinion and therefore NFA. Its amazing how they can come up with all kinds of wierd excuses NOT TO prosecute. The umno government should create a department where excuses are readily available. Even when SD, documents or reports are presented as evidence of corruption and fraud, as those exposed by RPK, the authorities are still not doing anything about them. Similarly, the evidence and reports of racial slurs by the two principals are so over-whelming and conclusive and yet they go after Namewee whose only fault was the usage of obscene words. Then you have the perkasa samsengs lighting up in a public place. Wasn't it a security threat? What if a spark had been blown and landed on something inflammable? And yet the police not only did nothing but allowed them 40 minutes to do their dangerous act. How many minutes did the police give the candle-light vigilers at the Amcorp Mall.? Hardly 10 minutes and then chased them and trapped them in the Mall, afterwhich  they went in to search and arrest and dragged them out like common criminals. Compared to the leeway they gave  the perkasa demonstrators, HOW NOT TO BE ANGRY? And you want us to respect the Police!

Mr. Policeman, Which scene looks more dangerous?